Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April Fools' pranks and jokes from Sametime bot

For the April Fools' Day I updated our Joke Bot with new funny jokes and pranks.
I like the one in which victims are tricked into calling the zoo to ask for Mr. Lyon :)

Open April Fools' Sametime Bot
Type "april" to bot to see more joke suggestions.

Other Sametime bots:

* The original jokes bot

* Halloween jokes

* Wisdom quotes from famous people

* Translation bot

* Currency exchange rates

* Lotusphere RSS posts on Technorati

* Example of Bot processing regular expressions (regex)

* Morse code

* Random bible quote

* Get city names by zip codes (Sweden)

Here is the HTML code needed to include Joke Bot on your own web page. Access to bot is implemented with help of STWidget web client for Sametime - the first web based Sametime client.

<iframe src="http://www.stwidget.com/ggljoke/stwidget.html" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="width:170; height:280;"></iframe>

Example of a bot emdedded using the code above:


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Testing blogging from iPhone

Testing how it works to create a blog post using iBlogger app on iPhone. Sitting right now in a community train on the way home.

Today Apple releases news about iPhone version 3 update. I hope they will include MMS functionality, SMS forwarding and video recording. Possibility to run applications in background would also be nice, then I would consider porting STWidget Sametime web chat to a native iPhone app. The problem with current apps in iPhone is that they are automatically aborted as soon as phone goes into sleep mode. That saves of course battery life and frees up memory, but there should be a way to override this behaviour by asking user to allow to run in background. Windows PDA allow this, but I couldn't use them for more than 1.5 hours of continuous typing, iPhone lasts about 3 hours. I mean lasted 3 hours, but after version 2.2 update last month, battery life jumps up and down without obvious reason.