To programmatically change user's password, Domino developers can use API function W32_SECKFMChangePassword. The function accepts 3 parameters: path to ID file. old password and new password.
Based on the article on experts-exchange web síte, I have created a LotusScript agent which prompts user for his old password, prompts for the new password, automatically reads the path to current ID file and changes the password for that ID file.
Same code can be used in a LotusScript button mailed to users with instructions to click the button in order to change their current password.
At the end of the script developer might also want to add functionality to send an email to the administrator notifying about successfull or failed password change.
Const NOERROR = &H0
'// Lotus Notes/Domino C API (Windows/Intel 32-bit)
Declare Function W32_SECKFMChangePassword Lib {nnotes.dll} Alias {SECKFMChangePassword} ( Byval pIDFile As String , Byval pOldPassword As String , Byval pNewPassword As String ) As Integer
Declare Function W32_OSLoadString Lib {nnotes.dll} Alias {OSLoadString} ( Byval hModule As Long , Byval StringCode As Integer , Byval retBuffer As String , Byval BufferLength As Integer ) As Integer
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim IDFile As String, oldpassword As String, newpassword As String
IDFile=session.GetEnvironmentString( "KeyFilename", True )
oldpassword=Inputbox("Enter old password", "Old Password")
If oldpassword="" Then
Msgbox "No password entered"
Exit Sub
End If
newpassword=Inputbox("Enter new password", "New Password")
If newpassword="" Then
Msgbox "No password entered"
Exit Sub
End If
Call ChangePassword(IDFile,oldpassword,newpassword)
End Sub
Sub ChangePassword( id As String, oldp As String, newp As String)
Dim intAPIResult As Integer
Dim szErrorText As String
Dim szBuffer As String * 1024
intAPIResult = W32_SECKFMChangePassword ( id, oldp, newp )
If Not ( ( intAPIResult And ERR_MASK ) = NOERROR ) Then
szBuffer = String$ ( Lenb ( szBuffer ) , 0 )
Call W32_OSLoadString ( NULLHANDLE , intAPIResult , szBuffer , Lenb ( szBuffer ) - 1 )
If Instr ( 1 , szBuffer , Chr$ ( 0 ) , 5 ) > 1 Then
szErrorText = Left$ ( szBuffer , Instr ( 1 , szBuffer , Chr$ ( 0 ) , 5 ) - 1 )
Elseif Instr ( 1 , szBuffer , Chr$ ( 0 ) , 5 ) = 0 Then
szErrorText = {}
szErrorText = szBuffer
End If
Messagebox szErrorText , 16 , {C API ERROR CODE: } & Cstr ( intAPIResult )
Msgbox "Successfully changed"
End If
End Sub
Tags: Lotus Domino
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
See Lotusphere Opening Session video recording on Second Life
You can now see the recording of Lotusphere 2007 Opening Session (with guest speaker Neil Armstrong) available on 3-D chat Second Life and on IBM's web site. It's 2 hours 13 minutes long, so it's probably a good idea to watch it at home instead of dong it at work. To see the recording in Second Life, go to IBM Theater on IBM Island and click on the big TV screen. In a couple of seconds you'll see the video on 4 TV screens. Below is a screenshot of me watching Mike Rhodin's opening speech. In the middle right corner of the screenshot you can see Virtual Lotusphere building where you can (if you are lucky) meet other Lotusphere interested people. I hope that more IBM employees and business partners discover the Second Life program and IBM island.
Click to enlarge

Opening session webcast on IBM's web site:
Tags: Lotusphere2007
Click to enlarge

Opening session webcast on IBM's web site:
Tags: Lotusphere2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Sametime bot shows latest Lotusphere2007 blogs
Today I've created a new bot function which shows latest 20 blog posts tagged with "Lotusphere2007" on Technorati. Took me 20 minutes to modify it from an old example of LotusScript agent and setup STWidget, the LotusScript agent code can be improved but it works.
It works like this: you type "Lotusphere2007" (not case sensitive) to sametime bot and it responds with the 20 latest blog posts. You can click the links in the result to read the post.
Here you can try the "Lotusphere2007" bot live:
Or just try it embedded at the end of this post with help of Sametime Widget.
Code of the LotusScript agent which bot calls to get the results:
Function AgentMain(doc As notesdocument)
Dim param As String
param= doc.ArgValue(0)
Dim objHttp, i
Set objHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
url = || "GET", url, False, "", ""
objHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objHttp.send("") 'send request to web server
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.loadXML (objHttp.ResponseText)
Set xmlLst = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("item")
For i = 0 To xmlLst.length - 1
Set xmlNode = xmlLst.Item(i)
Set att=xmlnode.childnodes
Forall child In att
If child.nodename="title" Then
tmp=tmp+Cstr(i)+". "+child.text+": "
End If
If child.nodename="link" Then
tmp=tmp+|<a href="|+child.text+|" target="_blank">Link</a><br/><br/>|
End If
If cnt=20 Then i=xmlLst.length
End Forall
AgentMain="Last 20 posts in category Lotusphere2007:"+"<br/>"+tmp
End Function
Tags: Lotusphere2007 sametime sametime bot
It works like this: you type "Lotusphere2007" (not case sensitive) to sametime bot and it responds with the 20 latest blog posts. You can click the links in the result to read the post.
Here you can try the "Lotusphere2007" bot live:
Or just try it embedded at the end of this post with help of Sametime Widget.
Code of the LotusScript agent which bot calls to get the results:
Function AgentMain(doc As notesdocument)
Dim param As String
param= doc.ArgValue(0)
Dim objHttp, i
Set objHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
url = || "GET", url, False, "", ""
objHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objHttp.send("") 'send request to web server
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.loadXML (objHttp.ResponseText)
Set xmlLst = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("item")
For i = 0 To xmlLst.length - 1
Set xmlNode = xmlLst.Item(i)
Set att=xmlnode.childnodes
Forall child In att
If child.nodename="title" Then
tmp=tmp+Cstr(i)+". "+child.text+": "
End If
If child.nodename="link" Then
tmp=tmp+|<a href="|+child.text+|" target="_blank">Link</a><br/><br/>|
End If
If cnt=20 Then i=xmlLst.length
End Forall
AgentMain="Last 20 posts in category Lotusphere2007:"+"<br/>"+tmp
End Function
Tags: Lotusphere2007 sametime sametime bot
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Notify database responsible person about new documents using Sametime
Imagine that you are responsible for a Domino application where users can register themselves and you want to get notified about about new registrations as soon as possible.
Screenshot of the demo application:

This can be done by sending an email message in WebQuerySave event or SMS message, but it has its disadvantages. Sending by email can give several minutes of delay, and receiving 20 SMS per hour can be annoying. Using Sametime messages for notification is not as disturbing as beeping SMS messages and also ensures instant delivery.
One more way to see the latest registrations is to use a Sametime bot to get a quick overview of the latest registrations without opening the database in Notes client.
Let's see how you can use tools provided by Botstation Technologies (all available as free trial) to accomplish these tasks.
1) Immediate notification when user saves his registration
2) Course administrator gets latest results by asking Sametime bot
Immediate notification
To immediately notify the responsible person about new registration, all you need to do is add a couple of code lines into your WebQuerySave agent. The code uses STAgent script library, which contains the most popular functions for working with Sametime. You can easily send a Sametime message to the specified person:
Here is an example:
Dim STAgent as New STAgent()
Call STAgent.login("", "Notification Agent", "password")
Call STAgent.sendMessage("Admin Doe", "New registration: "+doc.CourseDate(0)+" / "+doc.CreatedBy(0)+" / "+doc.Subject(0))
Call STAgent.logout()
The recipient immediately gets a Sametime message showing registration details and can take an appropriate action if needed.
If you have several responsible persons and want to send the notification message only to one of them, you can send the message only to the first person whos Sametime online availability status is set to Active. You can query the online status with this code line:
onlinestatus=STAgent.getOnlineStatus("Admin Doe") 'Active, Away, Offline
You can download an evaluation version of the STAgent and try by yourself in your own agents.
Notification on demand
Instead of sending a Sametime message immediately after each registration, you can query Sametime Bot to get the new registrations since last the query time. Sametime Bot from our company Botstation Technologies is able to run ordinary LotusScript agents, which makes it possible to accomplish this task in just 5 minutes. Same solution can be re-used later in similar applications. You can also restrict access to this particular bot functionality to only certain persons.
"Access properties" screenshot:

To ask bot for new registrations, you simply choose bot from your buddy list and type "registrations" to him. Bot receives your message and immediately answers with a list of last registrations.
To make this work, all you need to do is to create a LotusScript agent which searches for documents created after agent's last run time and then create a Question mapping in the bot's configuration database.
To create a bot question which triggers an agent, you specify keywords (e.g. "registrations", "bookings") and choose an agent from a list of available agents. See the picture below.
Sub Initialize
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Set agent = s.CurrentAgent
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID(agent.ParameterDocID)
tmp= AgentMain(doc)
Call doc.Save(True,False)
End Sub
Function AgentMain(doc As notesdocument) As String
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim coursedb As notesdatabase
Dim coll As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim coursedoc As NotesDocument
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Set db=doc.ParentDatabase
Set coursedb=New NotesDatabase(db.server, "coursereg.nsf")
Set agent=session.CurrentAgent
Set dateTime = New NotesDateTime(agent.LastRun )
Set|Form="Document"|, dateTime, 0)
Set coursedoc=col.GetFirstDocument
tmp="No new registrations found since "+Cstr(agent.LastRun)
If col.count>0 Then tmp="Found "+Cstr(col.count)+" new registrations since"+Cstr(agent.LastRun)+"<br>"
While Not coursedoc Is Nothing
tmp=tmp+coursedoc.CourseDate(0)+" / "+coursedoc.CreatedBy(0)+" / "+coursedoc.CourseName(0)+"<br>"
Set coursedoc=col.GetNextDocument(coursedoc)
End Function
I've created a live demonstration of this functionality using the code above, you can try it here: live demo of Sametime bot reading the registration database
To emulate the real application, the bot in the demo application adds a random number of new documents (1-5) after each run. So every time you issue "registrations" command to bot, you will get some unique results.

Tags: sametime sametime bot
Screenshot of the demo application:

This can be done by sending an email message in WebQuerySave event or SMS message, but it has its disadvantages. Sending by email can give several minutes of delay, and receiving 20 SMS per hour can be annoying. Using Sametime messages for notification is not as disturbing as beeping SMS messages and also ensures instant delivery.
One more way to see the latest registrations is to use a Sametime bot to get a quick overview of the latest registrations without opening the database in Notes client.
Let's see how you can use tools provided by Botstation Technologies (all available as free trial) to accomplish these tasks.
1) Immediate notification when user saves his registration
2) Course administrator gets latest results by asking Sametime bot
Immediate notification
To immediately notify the responsible person about new registration, all you need to do is add a couple of code lines into your WebQuerySave agent. The code uses STAgent script library, which contains the most popular functions for working with Sametime. You can easily send a Sametime message to the specified person:
Here is an example:
Dim STAgent as New STAgent()
Call STAgent.login("", "Notification Agent", "password")
Call STAgent.sendMessage("Admin Doe", "New registration: "+doc.CourseDate(0)+" / "+doc.CreatedBy(0)+" / "+doc.Subject(0))
Call STAgent.logout()
The recipient immediately gets a Sametime message showing registration details and can take an appropriate action if needed.
If you have several responsible persons and want to send the notification message only to one of them, you can send the message only to the first person whos Sametime online availability status is set to Active. You can query the online status with this code line:
onlinestatus=STAgent.getOnlineStatus("Admin Doe") 'Active, Away, Offline
You can download an evaluation version of the STAgent and try by yourself in your own agents.
Notification on demand
Instead of sending a Sametime message immediately after each registration, you can query Sametime Bot to get the new registrations since last the query time. Sametime Bot from our company Botstation Technologies is able to run ordinary LotusScript agents, which makes it possible to accomplish this task in just 5 minutes. Same solution can be re-used later in similar applications. You can also restrict access to this particular bot functionality to only certain persons.
"Access properties" screenshot:

To ask bot for new registrations, you simply choose bot from your buddy list and type "registrations" to him. Bot receives your message and immediately answers with a list of last registrations.
To make this work, all you need to do is to create a LotusScript agent which searches for documents created after agent's last run time and then create a Question mapping in the bot's configuration database.
To create a bot question which triggers an agent, you specify keywords (e.g. "registrations", "bookings") and choose an agent from a list of available agents. See the picture below.
Sub Initialize
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Set agent = s.CurrentAgent
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID(agent.ParameterDocID)
tmp= AgentMain(doc)
Call doc.Save(True,False)
End Sub
Function AgentMain(doc As notesdocument) As String
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim coursedb As notesdatabase
Dim coll As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim coursedoc As NotesDocument
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Set db=doc.ParentDatabase
Set coursedb=New NotesDatabase(db.server, "coursereg.nsf")
Set agent=session.CurrentAgent
Set dateTime = New NotesDateTime(agent.LastRun )
Set|Form="Document"|, dateTime, 0)
Set coursedoc=col.GetFirstDocument
tmp="No new registrations found since "+Cstr(agent.LastRun)
If col.count>0 Then tmp="Found "+Cstr(col.count)+" new registrations since"+Cstr(agent.LastRun)+"<br>"
While Not coursedoc Is Nothing
tmp=tmp+coursedoc.CourseDate(0)+" / "+coursedoc.CreatedBy(0)+" / "+coursedoc.CourseName(0)+"<br>"
Set coursedoc=col.GetNextDocument(coursedoc)
End Function
I've created a live demonstration of this functionality using the code above, you can try it here: live demo of Sametime bot reading the registration database
To emulate the real application, the bot in the demo application adds a random number of new documents (1-5) after each run. So every time you issue "registrations" command to bot, you will get some unique results.

Tags: sametime sametime bot
Sametime API,
Sametime bot
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Sametime-related error messages at console after removing Sametime server
If you uninstalled Sametime server from Domino server, or manually removed Sametime task, you can sometimes get following error messages in Domino console:
FAILURE - lRes:2 hKey:0
hRoot:-2147483646 szKey:[SOFTWARE\Lotus\Sametime\STDiagViewer\STDiag1\]
FAILURE - lRes:2 hKey:0
hRoot:-2147483646 szKey:[SOFTWARE\Lotus\Sametime\STDiagViewer\STDiag1\UTIL Configuration API]
These messages are show during the startup of the server. They are not logged in the log.nsf database and can only be seen on console.
In my particular case the Sametime was "removed" by deleting all Sametime-related entries in notes.ini, deleting sametime entry in Windows registry and deleting STADDIN task from the list of tasks in notes.ini.
After searching the Internet, I could not find any solutions to get rid of the irritating console error messages, so I had to investigate it myself. It took a couple of hours to eliminate possible causes and at last I found the solution:
Remove "scs" parameter from servlets.startup= row in file and the error messages will dissapear.
While you are editing file, delete other Sametime-related parameters which IBM masqueraded as important Domino tasks to fool the unsuspecting admins:
auth admin mmapi stcal fileupload rapfile
Usually there are only Sametime-related entries in, so you can probably just delete everything you can see in the file.
If you are getting mentioned error messages even after the startup, this means that users are still trying to access the sametime server using Java Connect client. Delete stsrc.nsf database (which contains the HTML form for launching the Connect client) and the messages will dissapear.
Read more about Sametime servlets here:
Tags: sametime
FAILURE - lRes:2 hKey:0
hRoot:-2147483646 szKey:[SOFTWARE\Lotus\Sametime\STDiagViewer\STDiag1\
FAILURE - lRes:2 hKey:0
hRoot:-2147483646 szKey:[SOFTWARE\Lotus\Sametime\STDiagViewer\STDiag1\UTIL Configuration API]
These messages are show during the startup of the server. They are not logged in the log.nsf database and can only be seen on console.
In my particular case the Sametime was "removed" by deleting all Sametime-related entries in notes.ini, deleting sametime entry in Windows registry and deleting STADDIN task from the list of tasks in notes.ini.
After searching the Internet, I could not find any solutions to get rid of the irritating console error messages, so I had to investigate it myself. It took a couple of hours to eliminate possible causes and at last I found the solution:
Remove "scs" parameter from servlets.startup= row in file and the error messages will dissapear.
While you are editing file, delete other Sametime-related parameters which IBM masqueraded as important Domino tasks to fool the unsuspecting admins:
auth admin mmapi stcal fileupload rapfile
Usually there are only Sametime-related entries in, so you can probably just delete everything you can see in the file.
If you are getting mentioned error messages even after the startup, this means that users are still trying to access the sametime server using Java Connect client. Delete stsrc.nsf database (which contains the HTML form for launching the Connect client) and the messages will dissapear.
Read more about Sametime servlets here:
Tags: sametime
Friday, January 12, 2007
Callback functionality for COM/ActiveX objects in LotusScript
Unfortunately there is no such callback functionality in Lotus Notes. The only type of callback which developers can use are for Notes native objects.
The only solution I found is to periodically poll a variable from COM object and when the variable's value is changed from the previous poll value, it means something happened and you can take an appropriate action in LotusScript.
For example, you have an ActiveX with function which returns statuses "Busy", "Idle", "In progress", "Finished" for a telephony application. You can not make callback when status changes to immediately notify LotusScript, but you can poll status every 1 second using LotusScript:
Dim status as String
Set MyPhone=CreateObject("PhoneApp")
Call MyPhone.MakeCall("+1818222333444")
While status<>"Finished" And status<>"Idle"
if status="In Progress" then
Print "Call is in progress, continue looping."
end if
if status="Busy" then
Print "Phone is busy, status will change to Finished automatically soon."
end if
Sleep 1
Call LogCall(StartTime, EndTime, PhoneNumber)
This solution works pretty well in most cases. Make sure you have Sleep and Doevents in your code, otherwise Notes client will hang until the loop is finished.
To avoid locking Notes client while code is running, set agent's property "Run in background client thread" and user will be able to continue working with Notes client even if the agent is still running.
A similar solution was described in my article in The View magazine for working with Skype API.
To make a shorter delay time than 1 second, you can use Sleep 0.5
Another work-around is to use Visual Basic as a wrapper to the COM object.
Visual Basic supports all callbacks, so compiling a Visual Basic project into ActiveX component and exposing variables which are populated from the callback functions inside VB code makes it possible to have access to callbacks which are not accessible with the technique described above.
Tags: LotusScript
The only solution I found is to periodically poll a variable from COM object and when the variable's value is changed from the previous poll value, it means something happened and you can take an appropriate action in LotusScript.
For example, you have an ActiveX with function which returns statuses "Busy", "Idle", "In progress", "Finished" for a telephony application. You can not make callback when status changes to immediately notify LotusScript, but you can poll status every 1 second using LotusScript:
Dim status as String
Set MyPhone=CreateObject("PhoneApp")
Call MyPhone.MakeCall("+1818222333444")
While status<>"Finished" And status<>"Idle"
if status="In Progress" then
Print "Call is in progress, continue looping."
end if
if status="Busy" then
Print "Phone is busy, status will change to Finished automatically soon."
end if
Sleep 1
Call LogCall(StartTime, EndTime, PhoneNumber)
This solution works pretty well in most cases. Make sure you have Sleep and Doevents in your code, otherwise Notes client will hang until the loop is finished.
To avoid locking Notes client while code is running, set agent's property "Run in background client thread" and user will be able to continue working with Notes client even if the agent is still running.
A similar solution was described in my article in The View magazine for working with Skype API.
To make a shorter delay time than 1 second, you can use Sleep 0.5
Another work-around is to use Visual Basic as a wrapper to the COM object.
Visual Basic supports all callbacks, so compiling a Visual Basic project into ActiveX component and exposing variables which are populated from the callback functions inside VB code makes it possible to have access to callbacks which are not accessible with the technique described above.
Tags: LotusScript
Sametime bot finds zip code with @DBLookup
Based on Thomas Adrian's Swedish postcodes database, I've created a function for our company's Sametime bot which returns the post codes(zip codes) for a specified city or the city name by specified zip code. All you need to implement this functionality in the free evaluation version of Botstatiuon Bot is to create a "pattern answer" with @formula which makes lookup to the database. Similar formula can be used for any database lookup from bot. Later I will add bot function to lookup for phone area codes for cities in USA and Sweden.
With Sametime Widget (STWidget) AJAX-based tool you can make a live test of the function.
Commands you can type to bot:
postcode 18200
postcode Danderyd
zip 14700
zip tumba
And of course the most popular "joke" command which shows you a random joke every time you type it :)
city:=@ReplaceSubstring(@Trim(@Right(@RequestText;" "));" ";"-");
tmp:=@DbLookup("":"NoCache";@Subset(@DBName;1):"bot\\pnr.nsf"; "By city";city;2);
@If(@IsError(tmp); @If(@Length(city)!=5;@Return("Postnumber not found for city "+city);"");@Return("Zip code(s) for "+city+": "+@Implode(@Sort(@Unique(tmp));", ")+"<br>--------------<br>You can also try reversed command:
postnumber "+@Subset(tmp;1)));
tmp1:=@DbLookup("":"NoCache";@Subset(@DBName;1):"bot\\pnr.nsf"; "By number";city;2);
@If(@IsError(tmp1);"City for postnumber "+city+" not found"; "City for postcode "+city+": "+@Implode(tmp1;", ")+"<br>--------------<br>You can also try reversed command:<br>postnumber "+@Subset(tmp1;1))
@RequestText function above is translated by Bot into the incoming command text, for example "zip 12345".
Screenshot of Bot's answer configuration page:

An alternative way to find zip code is to make call to a Web Service, which is also possible with Botstation Sametime Bot, I'll show how to accomplish it in some of the posts later this month.
Related posts:
Sametime bot shows a random Bible quote
Merry Christmas from Sametime Bot
Tags: sametime sametime bot
With Sametime Widget (STWidget) AJAX-based tool you can make a live test of the function.
Commands you can type to bot:
postcode 18200
postcode Danderyd
zip 14700
zip tumba
And of course the most popular "joke" command which shows you a random joke every time you type it :)
city:=@ReplaceSubstring(@Trim(@Right(@RequestText;" "));" ";"-");
tmp:=@DbLookup("":"NoCache";@Subset(@DBName;1):"bot\\pnr.nsf"; "By city";city;2);
@If(@IsError(tmp); @If(@Length(city)!=5;@Return("Postnumber not found for city "+city);"");@Return("Zip code(s) for "+city+": "+@Implode(@Sort(@Unique(tmp));", ")+"<br>--------------<br>You can also try reversed command:
postnumber "+@Subset(tmp;1)));
tmp1:=@DbLookup("":"NoCache";@Subset(@DBName;1):"bot\\pnr.nsf"; "By number";city;2);
@If(@IsError(tmp1);"City for postnumber "+city+" not found"; "City for postcode "+city+": "+@Implode(tmp1;", ")+"<br>--------------<br>You can also try reversed command:<br>postnumber "+@Subset(tmp1;1))
@RequestText function above is translated by Bot into the incoming command text, for example "zip 12345".
Screenshot of Bot's answer configuration page:

An alternative way to find zip code is to make call to a Web Service, which is also possible with Botstation Sametime Bot, I'll show how to accomplish it in some of the posts later this month.
Related posts:
Sametime bot shows a random Bible quote
Merry Christmas from Sametime Bot
Tags: sametime sametime bot
Monday, January 01, 2007
Beginning new year with a new blog design
Today I have updated the design of this blog to the new "Google-style" design. It looks similar to the old design, except for some small details. The option to upgrade the blog to a new design was available there for several months, and a new year is a good time to begin with a new design.
After update, an additional RSS link has been added ( ) , but luckily the old Atom RSS link ( ) seems to be still valid.
So far I found a couple of small disadvantages with the new design.
One of them is that links to configure the sections in the navigation panel are always shown for all visitors and when a visitor clicks on them, a popup with login screen is shown. Those links are for blog's owner only and has no use for other people. I would prefer not to have those links at all and do all design modifications from the blog's maintenance page. Maybe I've just missed some setting to hide those links.
One more irretating thing is that HTML editor for richtext (in blog posts) adds many unneccessary DIV tags.
Old posts for the last month were of course automatically re-saved during the update and are shown in the RSS readers as new posts.
The biggest maintenance difference to the old blog is probably a new way to manage the right-side navigation pane. With the new design, it's possible to manage the sections without having to write HTML code, which was the only way in the original Blogger template. See the picture below:

Using a customisable HTML section, I've added STWidget chat widget below the "About me" section in the right navigation panel.
Maybe one day I'll update to a Domino-based blog to be able to make advanced customisations and add cool functions, but so far I am satisfied with the Blogger blog :)
Should you update your old Blogger blog to the new Google design? Well, if you want a larger control over the right navigation panel you might consider doing it, otherwise there are no huge advantages with it.
After update, an additional RSS link has been added ( ) , but luckily the old Atom RSS link ( ) seems to be still valid.
So far I found a couple of small disadvantages with the new design.
One of them is that links to configure the sections in the navigation panel are always shown for all visitors and when a visitor clicks on them, a popup with login screen is shown. Those links are for blog's owner only and has no use for other people. I would prefer not to have those links at all and do all design modifications from the blog's maintenance page. Maybe I've just missed some setting to hide those links.
One more irretating thing is that HTML editor for richtext (in blog posts) adds many unneccessary DIV tags.
Old posts for the last month were of course automatically re-saved during the update and are shown in the RSS readers as new posts.
The biggest maintenance difference to the old blog is probably a new way to manage the right-side navigation pane. With the new design, it's possible to manage the sections without having to write HTML code, which was the only way in the original Blogger template. See the picture below:

Using a customisable HTML section, I've added STWidget chat widget below the "About me" section in the right navigation panel.
Maybe one day I'll update to a Domino-based blog to be able to make advanced customisations and add cool functions, but so far I am satisfied with the Blogger blog :)
Should you update your old Blogger blog to the new Google design? Well, if you want a larger control over the right navigation panel you might consider doing it, otherwise there are no huge advantages with it.
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